Basic Information

Where are you located: Paris, France

ArtMarketDirect gallery URL:




+33 0644010532

About Me

Fun Facts

Any phobias?:

Not that I am aware of!

What’s your favourite colour and why?:

All grey nuances such as blue-grey, green grey ... they are subtle

Do you live with any family and or pets?:

A big dog would be great but not enough room

Tell us a little about your full-time job and/or education?:

With a scientific background, I worked for 25 years in the field of R and D for pharma industry. In 2012, I changed my life and founded a free-style painting studio - to live my passion and share it with people who want to spend some time to unwind and let go their imagination

If you weren't an artist what would you be doing instead?:

study ethnology

What moment in your career are you most proud of?:

Building and training teams throughout the world

Before you became professional in art, what is the best non art related job you ever had and why?:

Each of my business travels around the world in the field of clinical research was with learnings : from patients mental strength to adminsitrative difficulties

Getting Down To Business

What is the most challenging part about being an artist in todays market?:

It would be great to have more art-lovers than art-investors

For you what is the best part about creating art in the way you do?:

A moment for meditation through brush strokes and colours

Visual art is often love/hate. How do you handle negative feedback?:

I try to turn negative feedback into positive one i.e what and /or how can I improve

What do you feel when something is sold? Why?:

Simply happy that "something about me speaks" to the buyer

What is your creative process like?:

I have no predetermined ideas . Just from the first brush stroke or line and first colour, intutuively comes the next one and so on, until all seems to be in resonance

How do you come up with a profitable pricing structure for your pieces?:

With the help of professional artists

And Finally...

What’s the best art tip you’ve ever received which you would be willing to share?:

Enjoy, paint, with no expectations

How has your style changed over the years?:

Those who know my work just say " more mature"

Do you have any upcoming events we should know about?:


A moment for meditation through brush strokes and colours