• Roundism - 28-09-17 When I looked at the hand streched out on the bed I immedately knew what to do. It looked like a styled wave. Besides that I liked doing the body in an a very smooth finish with a slow gradual tonal threshold from ultra dark to very light. Graphite pencil drawing (Pentel 0.5 mm, 3B) on Lana Bristol paper (21 x 29.7 x 0.1 cm) - A4 format) Artist: Corné Akkers
  • Roundism - 08-10-17 In this drawing I tried to play with triangles, circles and rectangulars forming the model posture. Next to this the laws of singularity as described earlier apply just very nicely. As a result diagonals verticals and horizontals are in perfect harmony together with a maximum tonal bandwith spread throughout the paper in a diagonal shape. Graphite pencil drawing (Pentel 0.5 mm, 3B) on Lana Bristol paper (21 x 29.7 x 0.1 cm) - A4 format) Artist: Corné Akkers
  • Model - 01-10-17 A rather loose cubistic sketch done with colour pencils. For the 4th time in a row I used the same (indian) model. Her skin allows me to use a lot of yellow which I counterbalanced with edgy purple planes. I kept the focus on the right side and left the part of the legs on the left side open in order to give it that sketchy look. Colour pencil drawing (Derwent Coloursoft) on Canson "C"à Grain paper (21 x 29.7 x 0.1 cm) - A4 format) Artist: Corné Akkers
  • Julia – 02-08-19 Last year I used dancer Julia Gómez Avilés as a model. Next to being a wonderful person for an artist she is ideal because of her flexibility. She can pose in many ways and has lots of stamina. This drawing is not from a live drawing session but based on a picture I saw in her Instagram account. I wanted to do this one because of the extreme pose and the challenge to render her complex body position in a credible way while still adding value to the theme. The drawing shows elements of roundism, realis mand surrealism. Graphite pencil drawing (Pentel 0.5 mm, 3B) on Canson Bristol paper (21 x 29.7 x 0.1 cm) - A4 format) Artist: Corné Akkers
  • golden

    II am an artist_designer,interior designer and architect.when I was a child,I felt a strong interest in art , I has trying different art styles and I finally choose abstract as most suitable style for my personality.I love colors and I think colors are most interesting things around world. Original hand made painting on canvas made with high quality fluid acrylic colors and other media.Edges are painted, does not require framing
  • Atropa - maple wood, metal bars, screws, 20 x 10 x 10 cm - 2018 The sculpture is named "Atropa". It takes its appellation from a poisonous plant linked to the three Moirai of the greek mythology. The crazy woodworm took its inspiration from lo a skull of a Vervet monkey. Made with maple wood, with a smooth layer of wax on. The linking bars are in metal, the base is in mahogany. ITALIAN VERSION La scultura è chiamata "Atropa". Prende nome da una pianta velenosa collegata alle tre Moire della mitologia greca. Il tarlo matto ha avuto la sua ispirazione da un teschio di scimmia cercopiteco. Realizzato in legno di acero, con un leggero strato di cera come rifinitura. Le barre sono in metallo, la base è in mogano.
  • blue life

    I am an artist_designer,interior designer and architect.when I was a child,I felt a strong interest in art , I has trying different art styles and I finally choose abstract as most suitable style for my personality.I love colors and I think colors are most interesting things around world. Original hand made painting on canvas made with high quality fluid acrylic colors and other media.Edges are painted, does not require framing.
  • colorful

    II am an artist_designer,interior designer and architect.when I was a child,I felt a strong interest in art , I has trying different art styles and I finally choose abstract as most suitable style for my personality.I love colors and I think colors are most interesting things around world. Original hand made painting on canvas made with high quality fluid acrylic colors and other media.Edges are painted, does not require framing
  • violet

    II am an artist_designer,interior designer and architect.when I was a child,I felt a strong interest in art , I has trying different art styles and I finally choose abstract as most suitable style for my personality.I love colors and I think colors are most interesting things around world. Original hand made painting on canvas made with high quality fluid acrylic colors and other media.Edges are painted, does not require framing
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