• Horse Metamorphosis is a 31.5 x 47x.0.5 inches large contemporary red oil painting of beautiful gold Arabian horse against an abstract bright red background. The golden horse dances in the foreground inside a dark forest with mottled light falling in patches on the path out towards the clearing. The path leads out of the woods and into a glowing summer wildflower meadow. Veils of transparent bright red hang over the scene as the horse begins to emerge from that world into a different one. The painting was started years ago simply to reflect the happiness I get when looking at a beautiful horse but become something more when the red veils were added which gives it a real presence. The original message of the painting was that there is more to life than hiding in the dark. I think now the message is more that there are other realities and that is worth exploring them. It is painted on thin edged canvas painted red, ready to hang. See Video: https://youtu.be/RadVPQOxiNo
  • Equine Dreaming is 44x54 inches large, framed red painting of two black Arabian horses, abstract style, in a poppy field. This painting was originally painted to show me as a little girl in a poppy field dreaming of the two horses I would one day own. Unfortunately I grew up allergic to horses so this never happened. Instead, I painted them. Recently I made the painting more abstract and added a red background. You can still see a suggestion of poppies and green fields, hills and trees beyond the two back horses and you can still see a little girl in a yellow dress picking poppies and dreaming of horses. I chose red simply because it works well with black and is the complement to green which was the original background colour. The painting is framed in a metallic burnished copper and silver frame, two inches wide and 1.5 inches deep. The shine works beautifully with the shine of the two horses and the radiant red background. See video at: https://youtu.be/Qy5AHbu9kX0
  • Spring

    1990, 60×60 cm, oil on canvas
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