• Bluebell symphony is very large original oil painting on canvas (48x48 inches) of a Spring woodland painted in a semi abstract, impressionist style. As it is a large painting, it gives the viewer the feeling that they can walk into this golden Spring wood with its bluebells and wildflowers and green trees and follow the sunlight path out to the fields beyond. A glowing yellow stag can be seen near the path looking at us imperiously as stags do. He is a guide to somewhere wonderful but is assessing our intentions before he leads us forward. In the foreground to the left is a large tree which sets the perspective for the rest of the painting. The bluebell flowers and leaves are painted in a semi abstract style which by their colours and positions hint at what they are but in an ambiguous way. This is because when I painted this it was from memory and I remember impressions and colours and motions but not details. I like it this way as it gives a transient feel which is what I wanted to capture here as that is what bluebell season is. For many people it is their favourite season (including mine) and I am happy to have painted a place where I can escape to a Spring woodland among the trees and flowers whenever I have had enough of an English winter... It is 1.5 inches think, edges white, frame not necessary, ready to hang.
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    Epiphany is a large oil painting 40x40x1.5 inches in very thick Van Gogh type paint of a dark forest and a beautiful sunny clearing beyond it.
  • Memory of Spring is a 40x40x1.5 inches large semi abstract oil painting of an English bluebell wood in springtime. It was inspired by the bluebells, wildflowers and pink blossom you see in patches of woodland around Sussex in April and May every year. Although it is contemporary in painting style, it still hints quite well at the flowers and yellow green saplings and trees of spring. It was painted from memory, as most of my landscapes are, as that tends to distill the composition and details right down to simplicities making the feeling of the painting and the magical element of forests and trees more prevalent than the botanical details. I love the fairy tale ancient landscapes of England and the magic quality you can find in forest clearings and fields and I never tire of trying to capture this fascination in the paintings that I make. The painting has white edges, ready to hang, no frame needed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1vLQRtLpnE
  • Spring Orchard

    Spring Orchard is an original oil painting of pink and white apple blossom trees in an orchard by a stream. The inspiration for the painting was of an orchard I found last May near Forest Row in Sussex. The style is contemporary, art nouveau and expressionistic was and was made by blending thick layers of paint over and over again and adding more and more colours and paint daubs until the paint is extra thick in the centre. I kept the edges blurred to help with the effect of it being a painting of a memory. The colours are pale greens, whites and pinks. This place was magical and I wanted to capture a little of the moment. I would not have been surprised to see mythical creatures appear in the fields beyond the stream but instead was happy just to listen to the birds who love May even more that I do. This painting is 30x30x1.5 inches and is painted on deep edge canvas, white edges, no frame needed. https://youtu.be/X1OsVWyDsOI
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    Summer Playground is a 40x40x1.4 inches large semi abstract oil on canvas of a summer meadow with wildflowers and swallows. I painted it after a walk through fields and farmland between Hartfield and Ashurstwood in Sussex on a very hot July day. There was wheat and barley and corn growing in the fields and at the edges there were a myriad of wildflowers growing. Insects were buzzing and the birds were singling and calling in the trees of the hedgerows and patches of woodland. One particular meadow had swallows flying up and down incredibly fast using the thermals which made them even faster than they usually are. They were not doing it for any obvious reason other than it was fun I think. I am happy at the way the colours on this painting merge and seem to melt together slightly as it is reminiscent of the heat of this day and has captured it well for me. I can hear the birds and the insects, smell the crops and the flowers and remember how happy it makes me feel. England in summer is fleeting and sunny days are a minority so it is good to catch them when they occur which I think I have done. The painting has white edges and is ready to hang. It does not need a frame. Video at: https://youtu.be/wreKAJHQ5q8
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