• Aramis 1944

    Virginia Hall DSC Croix de Guerre MBE was the top US spy in France in WW2...incredibly brave and funny, she had a wooden leg she called Cuthbert...she's another icon...this painting is based on her Nazi wanted poster (they gave her the code name Artemis)  which I have coopted and placed against a tricolour.  My dad knew her in the 50's when she was at the CIA..I remember her coming round for dinner, she was great...I loved Cuthbert too...she got on well with my mum...my mum was a dress designer for Jaeger..they were both VERY stylish..looking forward to the film this year..hope they do her justice...a truly great and genuine hero...loved painting this and remembering her
  • Prints of Poppies at Argenteuil were everywhere in the early 70's...my first girlfriends' parents had one on the living room wall of their council house in Chester...I loved it but she thought it was kitsch...In retrospect I think it was popular because it's so beautiful and evocative...it always makes me feel free and I felt free here...painting my first water colour for 47 years! They had a Chinese Girl by Tretchikoff too and she was even more ashamed of that..I wander where she is now...I also love Monet for his courageous stand in the Dreyfus Affair...at a time when antisemitism is on the rise we need to remember when artists took stands https://www.jewishpress.com/sections/features/features-on-jewish-world/monet-dreyfus-and-the-end-of-impressionism/2015/12/17/
  • Joe Strummer loved Jawlensky..and so do I...this is a copy of his 1912 self portrait which he painted on cardboard, when he was mates with Matisse and Kandinsky and joined the Neue Kunstlervereinigung Munchen before ho got booted out of Germany in 1914 ( he was Russian) and banned by The Nazis in 1933
  • I'm pleased with this abstract of shapes...a couple of circles, a couple of squares, a rectangle, a trapezium, , an inverted heart, a duck, a pair of lips AND a random 3d apple with a hint of green....first water colour for 47 years...I did this in the same manic session with the Homage to Monet
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